Help & Support Resources

Examples of Resources that Address Many Needs of Cancer Survivors

The resources on this page are organized into Government/Federal agencies, National Foundations and so on. When you are looking for a specific type of service, please use the "search" option, such as for "transportation" or "financial"

Resources from Federal Agencies

Americans with Disabilities
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program 
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
  • Part A: 
    • Hospital care
    • Home health care
    • Hospice care
    • Care in Medicare-certified nursing facilities
  • Part B covers medically necessary services, including
    • Diagnostic studies
    • Physicians' services
    • Durable home medical equipment
    • Ambulance transportation
    • Screening exams for several types of cancer
  • Part C:  Medicare Advantage Plans
    • A type of Medicare health plan offered by a private company that contracts with Medicare to provide all your Part A and Part B benefits
    • Most Medicare Advantage Plans also offer prescription drug coverage and additional benefits such as vision, hearing, and dental
    • Special Needs Plans 
      • A type of Medicare Advantage Plan (like an HMO or PPO). Medicare SNPs limit membership to people with specific diseases or characteristics
      • Medicare SNPs tailor their benefits, provider choices, and drug formularies to best meet the specific needs of the groups they serve
  • Part D:  Prescription Drug coverage
  • Supplemental (Medigap) policies help pay Medicare out-of-pocket copayment, coinsurance, and deductible expenses
    • Medicare
    • Medicaid
The Health Resources and Services Administration's (HRSA) Bureau of Primary Health Care
  • Offers Health Centers that provide health care to low-income and other vulnerable populations
  • Health Centers care for people regardless of their ability to pay
  • They provide primary and preventive health care, as well as services such as transportation and translation
  • To locate a Health Center, visit the "Service Delivery Sites"
  • Web site:
  • A program through HRSA for which hospitals receive construction and modernization funds from the Federal Government
  • Hospitals that receive Hill-Burton funds are required by law to provide a reasonable volume of services to people who cannot afford to pay for their hospitalization and make their services available to all residents in the facility's area
  • Information about Hill-Burton facilities is available by calling the toll-free number or visiting the Web site 
  • A brochure about the program is available in Spanish
    • Telephone: 1-800-638-0742 (Maryland residents call 1-800-492-0359)
    • Web site:
Indian Health Service (IHS)

NOTE:  IHS is not insurance;  Sometimes you will be asked to fill out forms to apply for help

  • AI/AN often fill in, "Indian Health Service or (IHS)" in the form on the line that asks about insurance coverage
  • If you write "IHS" in on any form that asks what insurance coverage you have, your requests for help will probably be turned down or denied
  • If IHS is the only way you get medical care, leave the line blank
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Coping with Advanced Cancer
  • Booklet: Advanced Cancer Having advanced cancer can bring anxiety and uncertainty to your life
    • But some people with advanced cancer live far longer than expected
    • Remember, you are still in control of your choices and actions
    • Having an advanced disease can be a time of personal growth
    • It can even be a time of second chances
    • Many people say they started to see life in a new way after learning that their cancer had progressed despite treatment
    • They realized the importance of making the most of each day.
  • Web site: 
  • Telephone: 1-800-4-CANCER
Eating Hints for Cancer Patients: Before, During, and After Treatment
  • Booklet:  Eating Hints is for people who are having or are about to have cancer treatment
  • The booklet helps you learn about your diet needs during treatment and to help you cope with side effects that may affect eating
  • It is designed for cancer patients and their families and other caregiver
  • The information has been gathered from many sources and reflects the tried-and-true experience of cancer patients and the doctors, nurses, and dietitians who work with them
    • Website:
Cancer Treatments and side effects
  • The website included detailed information about treatments, side effects, healthy living (PDQ for providers). For example, for the side effect, lymphedema: 
Home Care for Cancer Patients
  • Web site:
  • Telephone: 1-800-4-CANCER
  • Hospice is a concept of care that involves health professionals and volunteers who provide medical, psychological, and spiritual support to terminally ill patients and their loved ones
  • Hospice stresses quality of life--peace, comfort, and dignity
  • A principal aim of hospice is to control pain and other symptoms so the patient can remain as alert and comfortable as possible
  • Hospice services are available to persons who can no longer benefit from curative treatment; the typical hospice patient has a life expectancy of 6 months or less
    • Web site:
    • Telephone: 1-800-4-CANCER
Social Security
  • Provides monthly income for eligible elderly and disabled individuals
  • Supplements Social Security payments for aged, blind, and disabled people with little or no income
  • It provides cash to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter
  • Information on eligibility (such as you have to have worked at a job that contributed to SS), coverage, and how to file a claim is available from the SSA
  • People with certain cancers may be eligible for a Compassionate Allowance
  • Compassionate Allowances are cases where individuals have medical conditions so severe they obviously meet Social Security’s disability standards, allowing SS to process the cases quickly with minimal medical information
State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP or CHIP)
  • Designed to provide insurance coverage for children whose families earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but who cannot afford private coverage
  • Each state is given the freedom to determine the design of its CHIP program, including eligibility groups, benefit packages, payment levels for coverage, and administrative and operating procedures
  • In most states, uninsured children under the age of 19 whose families earn up to $36,200 a year (for a family of four) are eligible. SCHIP provides coverage for:
    • Doctor visits
    • Immunizations
    • Hospitalizations
    • Emergency room visits
Veterans Administration
  • Veterans Benefits Administration
      • 1-877-222-8387 
      • The VA cancer program provides users of the veterans' health care system easy to cancer prevention, detection, and treatment services and participation in cancer clinical trials
      • Veterans of the United States Armed Forces can take advantage of some of the most promising advances in cancer research
      • The VA web site offers cancer facts, information about care, a list of VA-designated comprehensive cancer centers, and the VA's national cancer strategy

National Foundations for Cancer Support

American Cancer Society
Caregivers' Support
  • This site has an interactive resource guide and a caregiver support video series, "Find out what to expect if you become a caregiver for a person with cancer, and get tips for making sure that you take care of yourself as well"; 
  • Videos:
    • Physical Care Training: drain care, lifting, pain management, medication management, symptom/side effect management, and identifying signs of infection.
    • Caregiver Self-Care: nutrition, physical activity, stress management and coping, dealing with fear of recurrence, and deep breathing/meditation.
    • Advocacy: how to effectively communicate your loved one’s needs to the cancer care team.
    • Caregiver Stories: caregivers share their experiences through the ups and downs of their journey
Circle of Life Cancer Education
  • Modified in 2015 from Oklahoma Circle of Life Curriculum
  • Search option within the ACS website links to individual chapters within the curriculum
  • Taking Charge of Money Matters
    • A workshop for people with cancer and their loved ones about financial concerns that may arise during or after cancer treatment, regardless of the person's health insurance coverage
    • The session provides an opportunity to discuss financial matters with guest speakers who are knowledgeable about financial planning
    • More information about this workshop is available at ACS Taking Charge of Money Matters Web page
Avon Foundation and AVON Cares Program
  • AVONCares, a partnership between CancerCare and the Avon Foundation for Women, provides limited financial assistance to underserved women for homecare, child care and transportation.
  • Transportation, home care and child care
  • Men and women with any cancer diagnosis
  • Men, women and children with all diagnoses in New York City
  • Men with all diagnoses in New Jersey and Connecticut
  • Learn more about expanded services in the Tri-State area
  • Transportation (air and car) and lodging
  • Men and women with mesothelioma (learn more)
  • Pain and anti-nausea medication, oral hormonal medication, lymphedema supplies and durable medical equipment
  • Women and men with breast cancer
  • Transportation, home care, child care, pain medication, chemotherapy and radiation
  • People with cancer affected by the California wildfires. Learn more about our California Wildfires Patient Assistance Program »
  • Pet Assistance and Wellness
  • People with cancer who have a cat or dog. Learn more about the Pet Assistance & Wellness (PAW) Program
  • In order to be eligible for financial assistance you must:
    • Have a diagnosis of cancer confirmed by an oncology health care provider
    • Be in active treatment for your cancer
    • Live in the U.S. or Puerto Rico
    • Meet our eligibility guidelines based on the Federal Poverty Limit
    • Website:
Cancer Care, Inc.
  • A nonprofit social service agency helping patients and families cope with emotional, financial, and psychological consequences of cancer. Financial assistance, counseling, and transportation for home care
  • Services are provided by oncology social workers and are available in person, over the telephone, and through the agency's Web site
  • Information about financial assistance for all cancers is available at
    • Telephone: 1-800-813-4673 (1-800-813-HOPE)
    • Web site:
Cancer Legal Resource Center  
  • The Cancer Legal Resource Center is a community-based joint program of the Western Law Center for Disability Rights and Loyola Law School. The CLRC provides information and educational outreach on cancer-related legal issues to people with cancer, their families, friends, employers, and those who provide services to them
  • Examples of legal issues may include insurance coverage, employment discrimination, health care, child custody, disability assistance and planning your will
    • Toll free Telephone Assistance Line (866-THE-CLRC) 
    • Telephone: 213-736-1455
    • Central Intake Line – 213.736.1334;
    • Nationwide Toll-Free Number – 866.999.3752 (DRLC);
    • Class Action Toll-Free Number – 866.752.6679, including collect calls;
    • Email –
    • Web site: 
Family Caregiver Alliance
  • Developed a wide array of services and publications based on caregiver needs and offers programs at local, state, and national levels. 
  • LIVESTRONG  SurvivorCare to speak to a case manager or visit 
    • The LIVESTRONG  SurvivorCare program of the Lance Armstrong Foundation, provides:
      • Help addressing financial and insurance concerns
      • Counseling and referrals to local resources
      • Clinical trials matching to new treatments in development
    • Tip 1: Ask them to send you their "yellow survivor's notebook" This is a very helpful tool to help you through your cancer journey and they will send it to you for free!
    • Tip 2: LIVESTRONG  SurvivorCare has established a partnership with two other organizations:
      • Cancer Care and The Patient Advocate Foundation
        • One phone call to SurvivorCare will get you all the assistance available from all three organizations so you don't have to call each one separately!
    • Provides financial assistance to cancer survivors. For patients who are 6 months post-treatment with no evidence of disease, limited financial assistance is available for transportation to follow-up appointments, medical copays, cancer-related medications, and neuropsychological evaluation
    • Telephone: 1- 866-235-7205; Toll-free Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
    • Web sites: ·
National Consumers League
  • National nonprofit membership organization offering publications on a range of health issues such as hospice, home health care and insurance.
  • Web site: 
  • Telephone: 202-835-3323
National Family Caregivers Association    
  • Caregiver helpline: 855-227-3640 
Office of Consumer Protection 
  • The Montana End-of-Life Registry electronically stores advance directives and allows registered health care providers and consumers access to them
  • The Attorney General's Office oversees registry filings, security and operations
  • Consumers with valid, signed advance directives can file them with the registry
  • Registrants are assigned an access code to view their directive
  • In the event patients cannot speak for themselves, health care providers can access the registry 24 hours a day and view the patients' wishes for end-of-life care.
  • A password is required
  • Go to How to File an Advance Directive for step-by-step instructions and the forms needed to file a directive with the Attorney General's Office
  • Directives may not be filed electronically
    • More information:
Patient Advocate Foundation
  • Colorectal CareLine is designed to provide assistance to patients with colorectal cancer
  • It offers financial aid through the Financial Aid Fund for those diagnosed with colorectal cancer
  • For more information, call the Colorectal CareLine team at 1-866-657-8634
  • NOTE:  As of July 2020, PAF has not yet been able to help AIAN patients, primarily due to inaccurate information about Indian Health Service and what IHS can and cannot support;  last resort resource


Mary-Helen Mautner Project for Lesbians with Cancer
  • Provides transportation to and from treatment, legal assistance, support groups, bereavement counseling, education and a smoking cessation program
  • Web site:  
  • Telephone: 1-866-628-8637 or 202-332-5536
Out With Cancer
  • Social network with gay specific topics
  • Includes males fighting cancer

Cancer Site Specific Resources

The Brain Tumor Society
  • A national nonprofit agency that provides information about brain tumors and related conditions for patients and their families
  • Financial assistance is given through the agency's BTS CARES Financial Assistance Program
  • This program provides supplementary financial assistance to individuals experiencing financial need
  • This program covers specific nonmedical costs related to a primary brain tumor diagnosis
  • Direct medical expenses are not covered.
    • Telephone: 1-800-770-8287 (1-800-770-TBTS)
    • Web site:
The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS)
  • Offers information and financial aid to patients in significant financial need who have leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's lymphoma, or multiple myeloma
  • The LLS's "Patient Financial Aid" Web page provides more information about the types of service available, application forms, and eligibility requirements at
    • Telephone: 1-800-955-4572
    • Web site: or
Living Beyond Breast Cancer
  • National nonprofit organization that seeks to create a world that understands there is more than one way to have breast cancer.
  • Website includes multiple resources particularly about side effects with strategies to overcome
  • 855-807-6386 or by email at
Susan G. Komen for the Cure
  • Provides breast health and cancer information
  • In partnership with Cancer Care,  Susan G. Komen for the Cure provides a financial assistance program to help underserved, uninsured and underinsured women with breast cancer.
  • Grants are provided to assist women who qualify with the costs of:
    • Oral medication for cancer treatment
    • Pain and anti-nausea medication
    • Lymphedema support and supplies
    • Durable medical equipment ordered by a physician
  • Financial assistance is also available for home care, childcare, and transportation to treatment. (Financial assistance is granted to women who meet CancerCare's eligibility criteria.)
    • Telephone: 1.800 I'M AWARE  (phone number works)
    • Web site:
The Mesothelioma Center  
  • is committed to providing the latest, up-to-date information to our visitors in the hopes of spreading awareness about the dangers of asbestos cancer
  • This website offers a one-stop resource on all asbestos issues ranging from occupational exposure to mesothelioma treatment options
  • As the leading asbestos and mesothelioma resource, offers more than 3000 pages of the most comprehensive and cutting edge information on the web
  • This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy Health information On the Net
  • Website:

Lodging when away from home receiving treatment

Denver Indian Health and Family Services DIHFS
  • Denver, Colorado and Indigenous Peoples-specific
  • (303) 953-6600
Hope Lodge
  • A temporary housing program supported by American Cancer Society provides free, temporary housing facilities for cancer patients who are undergoing treatment
  • For more information about this program, or to find locations of Hope Lodges.
  • Web site: 
National Association of Hospital Hospitality Houses
  • Provides accommodations for families and patients receiving medical treatment away from home
  • Rates typically range from $5-$15 per day (sometimes free)
  • Website:
  • 800-542-9730 
Ronald McDonald Houses
  • Supported by Ronald McDonald House Charities, provide a "home away from home" for families of seriously ill children receiving treatment at nearby hospitals
  • Ronald McDonald Houses are temporary residences near the medical facility, where family members can sleep, eat, relax, and find support from other families in similar situations
  • In return, families are asked to make a donation ranging on average from $5 to $20 per day, but if that isn't possible, their stay is free
  • Web site:
  • Telephone: 630-623-7048 

Medications (Prescription drugs)

  • NeedyMeds is a nonprofit organization with the mission of helping people who cannot afford medicine or health care costs
  • The information at NeedyMeds can be obtained anonymously and is free of charge
  • NeedyMeds is a web-based information source similar to the Yellow Pages; it does not supply medications or financial assistance, but helps people find assistance programs and other available resources
Chemocare (Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation)
  • The website has important information about chemotherapy side effects
  • Website:
  • 1-844-268-3901
The National Lymphedema Network 
  • Referrals to lymphedema treatment centers, health care professionals, training programs, and support groups
  • A quarterly newsletter (LymphLink), with cutting edge articles and information about medical and scientific developments, support groups, pen pals/net pals, an updated resource guide and more
  • Educational materials for health care professionals and patients
  • Website:
  • A toll-free recorded information line: 1-800-541-3259 
Partnership for Prescription Assistance now called "medicine assistance tool"
  • The Partnership for Prescription Assistance (PPA), is a national program to help patients in need access prescription medicines
  • The PPA also connects patients with free health clinics in their community
  • The PPA provides help with more than 2,500 medicines, including a wide range of generic medicines
  • Telephone: 1-888-4PPA-NOW (1-888-477-2669)
  • Web site: wwwpparxorg 
House Cleaning for any woman currently undergoing chemotherapy
  • If you know any woman currently undergoing chemotherapy, please pass the word to her that there is a cleaning service that provides FREE housecleaning - once per month for 4 months while she is in treatment
  • All she has to do is sign up and have her doctor fax a note confirming the treatment
  • "Cleaning for a Reason" will have a participating maid service in her zip code area arrange for the service
  • This organization serves the entire USA and currently has 547 partners to help these women
  • There are people out there that care; Be a blessing to someone and pass this information along
Food Resources

Palliation (comfort care) End-of-Life In or Out of Home

Center to Advance Palliative Care
  • CAPC is a national organization dedicated to increasing the availability of quality palliative care services for people facing life-threatening illness. Provides health care professionals with the tools and training necessary to start and sustain successful palliative care programs and more. 
  • Web site:
  • Telephone: 212-201-2670
Education in Palliative and End-of-Life Care for Oncology (EPEC)
  • Module 16 American Indian and Alaska Native Cultural Considerations
  • Two DVDs
  • Available from Mayo Clinic's Spirit of EAGLES
End of Life/Palliative Education Resource Center Creates Online National Clearinghouse of Information

National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO)
  • This nonprofit membership organization representing hospice and palliative care programs and professionals in the United States. There are policy updates, education and conference listings, technical assistance and resources
  • Web site: 
  • Telephone: 703-837-1500
National Hospice Organization
  • Designed to promote and maintain hospice care and to encourage support for patients and family members
Quality Care National Resource Center
  • Provider of home nursing services. A referral service for info on home nursing, hospices, skilled nursing, rehabilitation facilities and home-maker services throughout the US
  • Telephone: 800-645-3633

Travel Assistance to get to and from Cancer Treatment Facilities

Introduction into travel assistance
  • This leaf of the Quality of Life tree has tips and information to help find help and support getting to and from cancer treatment. Whether you have to travel a few miles across town, many miles across a rural area or across the country, there may be some help available to you and your family.
  • Some cancer centers and clinics have a limited supply of vouchers or money to help you with the cost of gas or cabs. But, in almost every case, it is not a service that is offered - unless you ask.
  • If you are having a hard time finding a ride to treatment or struggling to pay the high price of gas, start by telling your doctor, cancer nurse, or social worker. Ask if your cancer clinic or treatment center is able to help with transportation or gas money. Ask if they know of any local agencies you can contact for help with transportation or gas money.
  • One example of help with transportation is a great new resource for cancer patients in the Puget Sound area of Washington State. The American Cancer Society, along with Amgen Pharmaceutical Company will provide patients in that area up to $400 in gas cards or ferry vouchers. Health care providers must fill out a simple form to request that gas or ferry vouchers be sent to your home. It usually takes about a week to get your first gas card and/ or ferry voucher. If you live in that area, and are struggling with the cost of gas or ferry rides to get to treatment, start by asking your doctor, cancer nurse, or social worker. If they don't know about this program call 1-800-ACS-2345 and ask for the number of your local American Cancer Society office.
  • The American Cancer Society (ACS) is good place to start your search for help and support with transportation and many other needs you may have as a person with cancer. To reach the American Cancer Society from anywhere in the United States you can start by calling 1-800-ACS-2345  available 24 hours a day. The person on the phone can give you information and strategies to find the help you need and tell you how to contact the ACS office closest to your home for additional help and support.
Air Care Alliance
  • A nationwide league of flying organizations whose volunteer pilots are dedicated to community service
  • Air Care Alliance website will introduce you to us and to all the groups we list whose volunteers perform public benefit flying for health care, patient transport, disaster relief, environmental support, and other missions of public service.
  • Telephone: 888-260-9707
Angel Flight West
  • A nonprofit, volunteer-driven organization that arranges free, non-emergency air travel for children and adults with serious medical conditions and other compelling needs
  • Network of 1,900 pilots throughout the 13 western states donate their aircraft, piloting skills, and all flying costs to help families in need, enabling them to receive vital treatment that might otherwise be inaccessible because of financial, medical, or geographic limitations
  • The Earth Angel Program is also available in Santa Monica CA, Portland, OR, Albuquerque, NM, and Denver, CO areas and coordinates ground transportation from the airfield to the patient's medical facility
  • All Angel Flight West missions are free of charge
  • Costs are paid by the volunteer pilots
  • Contact:
    • Telephone: 888-4-AN-ANGEL (888-426-2643)
    • Web site: 
Corporate Angel Network, Inc.
  • A service that matches available space on corporate airplanes with cancer patients in need of transportation to recognized treatment centers
  • Web site:
  • Telephone: 914-328-1313 or 866-328-1313 
Grace Flight of America
  • Grace Flight of American helps people in need of free air transportation for medical and humanitarian purposes
  • Goal to remove the transportation burden from patients so they can get to specialized medical treatment not available to them locally and focus on getting well
  • Many of our patients do not have access to conventional transportation or are too ill to drive or fly commercially
  • Grace Flight is here to help!
  • Completely free of charge!
  • Grace Flight of America relies completely on volunteer pilots and donations from individuals, foundations, clubs and corporations
  • Web site:
  • Telephone: 888-500-0433 this number is for Angel Flight South Central
Mercy Medical Angels Helpline
  • Provides information about all forms of charitable, long-distance medical air transportation and provides referrals to all appropriate sources of help available in the national charitable medical air transportation network
  • 800-296-1217 or 757-318-9174
  • Locates the best available travel options for patients. Help available 24 hours
South Dakota-specific
  • Non-emergency medical transport
  • Oglala Sioux Tribe (OST) Community Health Representative (CHR) Program -
    • Pine Ridge 605-867-5801, 605-867-5406
    • Rapid City, SD 605-343-7832, 605-391-5851, 605-355-8808;
    • Native Women's Health, 605-342-7400
    • Transportation:  605-867-5376    605-407-1504    605-867-6028
  • OST Credit and Finance office 605-867-1265, 605-407-8637, 605-867-1563
  • OST Tribal Contact:  (605) 867- 5821
  • OST Website: